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Apr 26, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's CBJ Real News Podcast Show, you'll hear John DiLemme Interview Doug Billings on Determined Patriotism...

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http://www.ConservativeMarketplace.comWe have added over 250+ Products to what is being called the #1 Place for Conservatives to Shop...

Apr 26, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast Show, you'll hear John Di Lemme unleash the Power of a Focused Mission Statement.

Thank You for the Support...

We have added over 250+ Products to what is being called the #1 Place for Conservatives to Shop...

Apr 22, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John share a Motivational Marketing Message about the word *Rock-Solid* during his daily Why Word of the Day message.

To get a Hold of John's *Free Business Report* The Top '10' Marketing Power Words to Generate a Boatload of Business - go to... 

Apr 16, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John share a Motivational Marketing Message about the word *#1 Factor in Success or Failure!* during his daily Why Word of the Day message.

To get a Hold of John's *Free Business Report* The Top '10' Marketing Power Words to Generate a Boatload of Business -...

Apr 14, 2023

In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John share a Motivational Marketing Message about the word *Serious Strategic Win* during his daily Why Word of the Day message.

To get a Hold of John's *Free Business Report* The Top '10' Marketing Power Words to Generate a Boatload of Business - go to...