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Aug 31, 2019

In today's episode, John Di Lemme Teaches How 420 Seconds are Worth Billions and 99.9% of People Really Mess This Up! What will you do with this knowledge?  How will you succeed?

Interested in Booking John Di Lemme for an Interview or to Speak to Your Group, Organization, or Company? Give us a Call/Text at (561)...

Aug 30, 2019

In today's episode, John Di Lemme Explains No One is Traveling to West Palm Beach for Labor Day - Not One! (Billion Dollar Wisdom!) What wisdom will you take away from this podcast?

Interested in Booking John Di Lemme for an Interview or to Speak to Your Group, Organization, or Company? Give us a Call/Text at (561)...

Aug 29, 2019

In today's episode, John Di Lemme Says 1.4 Million Made Next Week - Wow You Got Lucky! Plus the Event! What will you accomplish in your business next week?

Interested in Booking John Di Lemme for an Interview or to Speak to Your Group, Organization, or Company? Give us a Call/Text at (561) 847-3467 or Email 

Aug 28, 2019

In today's episode, John Di Lemme Brings You HIs Power Podcast - $24,000 Saved Instantly and Ultimately over $125,000!  How much would you save?

Interested in Booking John Di Lemme for an Interview or to Speak to Your Group, Organization, or Company? Give us a Call/Text at (561) 847-3467 or Email 

Aug 27, 2019

In today's episode, John Di Lemme Compares Trying vs. Trending... 82 Million Debt plus 1,000,000 Facebook Likes.  What are you doing for your business today?

Interested in Booking John Di Lemme for an Interview or to Speak to Your Group, Organization, or Company? Give us a Call/Text at (561) 847-3467 or Email